AFA Nepal Update 3

More trauma - the earth shakes again

When it rains it pours. Another massive earthquake has just hit Central Nepal a second time (7.4 magnitude). Said Rev Mukunda in Kathmandu, "The people are even more traumatized". That was last night (Tuesday) before communications went down. 

houses in ruins: a symbol of the present state of this beautiful country Nepal where people are crying day and night.

houses in ruins: a symbol of the present state of this beautiful country Nepal where people are crying day and night.

But we are not asking for a second round of giving as it is not clear how much extra damage has been done and as the LWF (ALWS) there is at the front lines. But we continue our relief through the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Nepal (NELC) and trust that this vital AFA effort will continue to be supported. 

Equally important, we cannot forget our many responsibilities in 11 other countries. They are vital. They change many lives. Literally, some thousands of people depend on us day after day, week after week. 

Brilliant Support

On behalf of the AFA Committee I want to thank you for your wonderful support. It has been amazing. We have been able to send $33,000 to Nepal (NELC) - already a large part of what has been (just under $70,000, Stage I). We said that this is too much as disaster relief is not our primary focus. BUT WE DO WHAT WE CAN IN CHRIST'S NAME.

We hope to be able to send you pictures and specific reports soon.  We have received excellent information about CHRISTIANITY IN NEPAL and how this earthquake disaster has effected Nepal's Christians, churches and congregations. 

Did you know that the number of Christians in Nepal has tripled in the last 15 years - and, according to some estimates, that Christians now make up nearly 2% of the population of this largely Hindu nation of nearly 30 million people?

Why is AFA in Nepal?

People keep asking, Why is AFA in Nepal when ALWS is there - the primary relief arm of the LCA?

AFA works in Nepal with the NELC in association with TRANSFORMATION NEPAL (TN), a church-based and Christ-centred interdenominational aid group of committed Nepali Christians. TN wants to change ('transform') Nepal with the Gospel and at the same time with Christian love as expressed through aid operations in times of need - as such the horrific disaster at the present time. 

We have observed the excellent work of  the LWF/DWS (ALWS) in places like Cambodia  (Lutheran World Federation) and there is no reason why this should not be true for Nepal also. The NELC is linked to this work also through the LWF and is supportive. However, the LWF work in Nepal is  community based, not church based clearly working along secular lines similar to other aid groups. God works in this way too. 

AFA has a different approach and is working with the church, for the church, through the church at the grassroots and therefore we at times have our own relief program. For us the Gospel is everything. We have been urged by the NELC: please help us! 

AFA and ALWS should easily be able to compliment each other.  We respect that ALWS is the official aid arm of the LCA - and we cannot even compare ourselves with the big things ALWS does. Many AFA donors support ALWS as well.  

Donations can be made by cheques or money orders to ‘Asia Mission and Relief Fund’ or by direct bank transfers.