Annual General Meeting 2020

Please be advised that we will be hosting the annual general meeting next week on May 17th at 2PM (AEST) using Zoom. Although we are forced to use this remote conferencing technology due to COVID-19 restrictions, this will be an opportunity for those outside of south-east Queensland to join with us as we reflect on the past year and look forward to opportunities in the coming year.   

Voting in the upcoming general meeting is limited to AFA members. If you wish to participate in the meeting as a member, please complete the AFA membership form before the meeting. Membership is $20 per person or family.

For those that haven't connected by Zoom before, a quick tutorial on Zoom  is available, including a practice meeting that you can join and test audio and video on. 
Below are links to use to join the meeting via the app (you will need to install the app if you haven’t already) or via telephone if you wish.

Please join at about 30 minutes prior to the start time if you want to troubleshoot any issues with sound or video, or chat to other supporters of Asia Focus across Australia and indeed the world! 

Asia Focus Australia is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on May 17th, 2pm AEST.

Join Zoom from computer or smart phone:

Meeting ID: 847 2527 9352
Password: 017251

Optionally join meeting by telephone:
One tap mobile option:
+61861193900,,84725279352#,,1#,017251# Australia
+61871501149,,84725279352#,,1#,017251# Australia

Dial in by your location:
        +61 861 193 900 Australia
        +61 8 7150 1149 Australia
        +61 2 8015 6011 Australia
        +61 3 7018 2005 Australia
        +61 731 853 730 Australia
Meeting ID: 847 2527 9352
Password: 017251
Find your local number: