Hope has come again

I am 73, a granny, with two grandchildren to look after. Their parents are dead. I live for the kids. I had a small house made of wood, stone and mud, but April 25, 2015 changed my life.  The mega earthquake snatched away everything, no house now, no shelter, nothing. 

Nepal Update 7

I wish to share with you now the astounding news that about $100,100 have been donated to our Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund. All this money is in Nepal and has been used weeks ago except that the last $10,000 is now being used for follow-up work – like enabling children go back to school, supplying stationary for them and helping individual families with special longer-term needs.

Nepal Earthquake on-the-spot Report

On the night of my arrival in Kathmandu after seeing some of the destruction sights I was ready to fly home. I REALLY HAD ENOUGH ALREADY: death and decay all around I see. Under those piles of rubble, were there still unrecovered bodies? Bits of clothing (like filthy rags) still visible among the rocks and pieces of cement – and people quietly walking over the debris of what may have been their homes, still searching for ‘something’, maybe for peace.

Nepal Earthquake: Called to Help and Heal

 It’s all history now but the tragic consequences are not: 16,000 thousand dead and countless lives turned upside down. Media attention has now gone but depression and hopelessness for thousands, if anything, is getting worse. You see, grieving in depth has only just began. Who would have thought that AFA was going to get involved in Nepal?

Heart Stopping Ministry in Vietnam

After a promising start, disaster struck! Or so it seemed. Plans were to crisscross Vietnam from north to south teaching the Word of God and spreading the love of Jesus. In one province the police lay in wait, broke up the seminar that involved 40 people, interrogated Neville for hours, then took his passport away and fined him more than $1,000 dollars. High alarm! Emergency! Sleepless nights in Canada, Australia and Vietnam.

AFA Nepal Update 3

When it rains it pours. Another massive earthquake has just hit Central Nepal a second time (7.4 magnitude). Said Rev Mukunda in Kathmandu, "The people are even more traumatized". That was last night (Tuesday) before communications went down. 

The Secularization of Humanitarian Aid - and the forgotten Biblical Basis

Christian humanitarian aid at home and abroad is primarily about Christ, the Gospel and faith active in love - not about doing good in its own right. Furthermore we challenge the fundamental principle upon which much of our modern-day humanitarian aid is built, namely that aid is given on the basis of need only, irrespective of ‘colour and creed (religion)’. Closer examination will reveal that this principle is superficial, false and misleading.We deal with a classic case of mainstream churches having taken over the standards and values of the world.

Philippines - Facing an unfinished task

In the face of declining mission activities in local Lutheran churches, declining church attendance and increasing focus on ritual and ceremony, it had been decided to establish this group to focus on winning people for Christ and to establish new congregations and mission centres particularly in the greater Manila area among the native people and in Benguet in Northern Luzon.